The joint and several liability as legal technology has settled the disputes on the definition of the joint tort which has arisen around the tort by multiple tortfeasors without conscious cooperation. 作为法律技术的连带责任解决了围绕无意思联络数人侵权行为而展开的共同侵权行为概念的争论。
The joint liability of joint torts means victims have rights to claim compensations for all loss from anyone or several ones of joint tortfeasors, and anyone of joint tortfeasors all have the liabilities of taking on all compensative responsibilities for victims. 共同侵权行为的连带责任是指受害人有权向共同侵权行为人中的任何一人或数人请求赔偿全部损失,而任何一个共同侵权行为人都有义务向受害人负全部的赔偿责任;
Joint dangerous act tortfeasors should bear the joint and several liability. 四是确定共同危险行为人的责任承担。
While the article 13 of tort liability law provides the victim shall have the right to request part or all of the joint tortfeasors who are liable for damages. 而《侵权责任法》第十三条规定,受害人有权请求部分或者全部连带责任人承担损害赔偿责任。